Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I love SENIOR pictures!

Gorgeous. There are NO other words!

Well, a couple more. She played her guitar for me too. I want one. (Because I know if I get one, I'll automatically play like she does, right?)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Baby "A"

Baby "A" is my Neighbor (and friend ;)'s Grand baby. Isn't she so fun! I love how chunky she is! Ok, she's really not that chunky, but the above picture looks like it, and there isn't ANYTHING better than a baby with chunk (easier to kiss!)

I generally LOVE black and white baby pictures, but this BOW was just SCREAMING color!

She was TIRED, but so good the whole time! Couldn't get her to smile for the life of us, but that's OK!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Elder "M"

This photo shoot was SO much fun! I felt like I was shooting a model! He was so relaxed and at ease in front of the camera, not to mention handsome! (Although he did say he was tired, so maybe he was just numb?)
While we were chatting away, it turns out he knows someone that knows someone that I know, WOW, what a small world! (wink, wink)

We had to fight a little bit for this spot. There were a couple other pictures being taken at the exact same time, so we just chilled right here for a little while and shot the breeze!

This spot is actually someones front porch. We were just going to shoot right anyway, but someone came out, so we asked permission! I get the feeling they get that a lot!

Have fun in Utica, Elder! (I hope I spelled that right!)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

More of C.

I have to say, one more time, I WANT A LITTLE GIRL!!! C. was SO much fun to take pictures of! I have to say, she loves her Mommy! She was smiling and laughing at Mom the whole time.

And Goldfish helped too.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Long time coming. . .

Sorry Family. I know this has taken me FOREVER to get posted! I must admit, my energy was COMPLETLEY drained at the end of my trek, so I picked up a book. And I haven't been able to put it down. I took it to work last night and forgot to bring it home. Which is the ONLY reason these are being posted now! Thanks for your patience! I Met these guys when I got engaged/married to my Dear Husband. He and K. were best friends growing up. I've been able to phogoraph a lot of their family over the years, and it's GREAT being able to see how familys grow and change. so THANK YOU!!!
I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!! This is K's son (mentioned above). Little S. wouldn't look at the camera AT ALL the whole day. He was entranced by the grass, of all things. I couldn't even get him to look at his Mom, Dad, Granma, until Grampa got a hold of him. We were in the Gazebo. No grass to be found, so He finally looked at the camera!!

This picture just goes to show, you are never too old to be siblings.

These guys got married right before J. and I. They have the cutest girls EVER. S. wasn't feeling very well (the baby), but she put a smile on when Grandma started singing to her!

THANKS for being good sports and standing in the ants, the water and the heat!