Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Bad Times

So our Computer got a virus.

I'm so bummed!!! I haven't been able to do ANYTHING for so long. I just have to say

Hubby, I'm glad I gave YOU this Laptop for your birthday!!! I Love You!!!!

{he doesn't know that I just installed photoshop on it. SHHHHH, let's keep it quiet for a little longer!!!}

But, the good thing is. The computer started acting funny. I thought to myself. I would be so sad if I lost all my pictures. So LUCKILY the day before it completely shut down, I backed up all my pictures!!! YAY!

The other good news is that I found a photoshoot I forgot to post!!! I took pictures of my cute in-laws right before Christmas. So here are a couple of this cute little family, going to be 1 larger in a couple weeks!!!


Chanté said...

Sorry to hear about your computer stinks when that happens! But great pictures of Chad, Natalie and Krew. They are one good lookin' family!

Tasha said...

Thanks, Chante